It is essential that all people who work with under 18’s in hockey receive training that is appropriate to their role. This course provides a basic level of safeguarding training to ensure young people enjoy hockey in a safe and enjoyable environment. After completing this training, participants will be able to:

  • describe what safeguarding is and why safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility
  • define the different categories of abuse and know how to recognise them
  • explain how to create a safe and enjoyable environment using good practice and recognising poor practice
  • know how to respond to and report concerns
  • access further information where relevant.

Access to the England Hockey Safeguarding basic awareness training costs a one-off fee of £10. This can be paid online by credit or debit card. 

Once you have paid, you can complete the course at your own pace. Upon completion you can download your certificate of awareness.

Is this training suitable for my role?

The table below outlines which roles this course is required for:

To be taken by:Not appropriate for:
Parent helpersOfficials/umpiresTeam captains (of teams including u18s)Great Britain Coaching Club Programme Workshops:Introduction to Hockey CoachingEngaging Games for ChildrenCoaching for Club PlayersPrevious UKCC England Hockey Level 1 England Hockey Coach participantsEngland Hockey Sessional Coach participantsPrevious UKCC England Hockey Level 2 or 3Welfare Officers

This table is not exhaustive, for more information (including higher level training), please see England Hockey’s Safeguarding Training Guidance.

Please use Link provided above to find and complete the Safeguarding Training for all coaches, parent helpers and Team Captains and Vice Captains.